Your Soul

The menopause: an atmosphere of upheaval


Sweating, bad mood, sleep disturbances: The menopause is really not a good time for women. The truth is that more women than one might think are going through menopause without any major symptoms. One thing is certain: During the menopause, the female body changes. Those who adjust to the change have a clear advantage. What actually happens during the menopause? The ups and downs of hormones accompany a woman's life for half a life. Oestrogen and progesterone are the two main actors in the female cycle, both produced by the oocytes and of which there is only a limited supply. The more it decreases, the less oestrogen and progesterone will swim in the blood. And this is noticeable throughout the body. For example, oestrogen promotes water retention in tissues. If the oestrogen level falls, the skin loses elasticity. In addition, the uterus and breasts, including the mammary glands, shrink. The mucous membranes tend to dry out, which can manifest itself as vaginal dryness or increased susceptibility to conjunctivitis. In addition, there are a number of normal aging processes which, together with hormone changes, ensure a thorough upheaval. Bones, joints, muscles and blood vessels are affected. The pelvic floor can sag, which can promote incontinence. The risk of osteoporosis (bone loss) increases, as does the probability of a heart attack. Fat pads are now more likely to accumulate on the abdomen than on the buttocks and thighs. And: Women now consume less energy, so they either have to reduce their calorie intake or exercise more to avoid gaining more weight.

In addition to the biological changes, other phenomena can accompany the farewell to the fertile phase. In addition to the notorious hot flushes, these include sleep disturbances, restlessness, nervousness, irritability, depression, a loss of memory and sexual disorders. These stresses do not necessarily have to occur. But how many women actually suffer from menopausal symptoms is a matter of debate among scholars: depending on the author, the figures vary between 20 and 60 percent - which is probably due to the fact that every woman ticks differently. For example, one woman suffers greatly from her hot flushes, while another considers them only annoying sweats.


Paths through the menopause

Nevertheless, there is nothing to stop you from making your way through the menopause as easy as possible. Sport, such as jogging, Nordic walking or moderate fitness training, is regarded as the best "therapy" against all the unpopular side effects of menopause. Because exercise helps the body to compensate for temperature differences, hot flushes lose momentum. The risk of osteoporosis can also be kept low through physical activity. Yoga and other relaxation techniques also have a balancing effect on changes in the body. Last but not least, nutrition can gently soften the body's mood of change. Unless otherwise possible, low-dose hormone preparations can provide a good solution for a manageable period of time. The aim of hormone therapy should always be to alleviate the accompanying symptoms and not to suppress them completely. Because whatever happens, menopause is not a pathological hormone disorder that needs to be treated, but a completely natural process in every woman's life. And even without the influence of oestrogen, this remains one thing in any case: indescribably feminine.

Am I already in the menopause?

Some women observe the first signs of menopause as early as their late thirties, while others experience the first changes at the age of forty. These observations and signs can be an indication of the menopause. This can be clarified exactly with your doctor.

- Has the menstrual cycle changed? (Only women who do not use the contraceptive pill)
- Have you been sleeping worse lately than you used to?
- Do you have sudden sweats at night or during the day?
- Do you sometimes get dizzy out of the blue?
- Are you more irritable than usual lately?
- Do you experience more mood swings than you are used to?
- Do you feel a restlessness more often?
- Do you often feel exhausted for no reason?
- Do you feel unusually listless?


3 Nutrition tips during the menopause

- Calcium-rich diet prevents osteoporosis: Therefore more often milk products, mineral water and green vegetables on the plate bring!
- Alcohol, coffee and hot spices should be avoided during hot flushes: They dilate the blood vessels and increase sweating.
- From time to time you can also add soy products such as tofu to your diet. They contain so-called phytohormones.

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